

项目时长 2010年至今
Project Duration 2010 – present
项目地 泰国清莱府
Project Location ChiangRai, Thailand
合作伙伴 美占扶轮社、皇太后大学孔子学院、当地学校
Partners Maechan Rotary Club; Confucius Institute of Mae Fah Luang University; Local schools
p style=text-alignjustify文化训练营分为英语和汉语训练营,于每年一月在泰国清莱府举办。英语训练营为期两天,由来自全球各地的志愿者担任老师;汉语训练营为期一天,由皇太后大学孔子学院的志愿者担任老师。通过趣味性的语言训练以及丰富的文化活动,学员们得以开阔眼界,更好地掌握中英文,并提升其跨文化交际能力。志愿者老师也从中对比各国的差异,体验到文化多样性的魅力。

Culture Camps include English Camp and Chinese Camp, which are held in ChiangRai, Thailand every January. English Camp was a 2-day program with teaching staffs from all over the world, while Chinese Camp was a 1-day program with teachers from the Confucius Institute of MaeFahLuang University. During the camps, language training was delivered using vivid methods, and various cultural activities were arranged. Through such programs, students broadened their understanding of different cultures and got in depth knowledge of English and Chinese, as well as improved their ability of inter-cultural communication. At the same time, volunteer teachers were facinated to experience the charm of cultural diversity.