
项目时长:2014年12月— 2015年1月
Project Duration:December, 2014 – January, 2015
Project Site: Chuma Village, Tongren and Zekog County, Huangnan Prefecture, Qinghai
合作伙伴:Yarab Association
Project Partner: Yarab Association (YA)

青海省同仁县下属几个村落卫生条件普遍较差,村民的卫生意识薄弱,生病很少采用科学的方法治疗,除非病情很严重才会选择去医院。村民文化程度普遍较低,无法通过阅读看报等方式学习卫生知识。2014年末,在华桥基金会的赞助下,Yarab Association邀请当地数名有经验的藏族医生,对村民集中进行卫生教育和常规体检,普及防治艾滋病知识,关注当地女性生理健康,鼓励村民用科学的医疗理念防治疾病。该活动惠及5个村落500户人家的近2600人。

Tongren County, together with its subordinate villages, is in poor sanitary condition. Villagers seldom realize the importance of sanitation and rarely treat illness scientifically. Their education level is not high enough to learn about sanitation by reading. At the end of 2014, with the support of HuaQiao Foundation, Yarab Association invited several experienced local Tibetan doctors to provide free health education and clinic service for villagers, teach them how to prevent AIDS. Besides, doctors paid particular attention to local woman’s hygiene problems and encouraged villagers to prevent and treat illness with scientific medical methods. About 2,600 residents from 500 households in five villages benefited from this project.