
假期培训项目始于2008 年。针对当地教育资源不足、教育意识薄弱的现状,我们每年寒暑假组织青海师范大学和青海民族大学的20 名教师志愿者分赴五所学校,为当地藏族学生开展藏、英、汉三语及数学培训,希望在弥补学生课业不足的同时,提高当地家长和政府部门对教育的重视。培训班采用小班教学的形式,每班安排4-5 位教师及25-30 名学生,每次培训惠及两百余名学生。2014 年我们根据以往教学经验,结合当地情况,编纂了三套更适合此项目的培训教材。此外,为了更好地开展项目,我们还针对该地区的教育及家庭情况进行了调研,获得了丰富的信息。

Teaching Programs started in 2008, aiming at the inadequatcy?of local educational resources and awareness. Every summer?and winter holiday, 20 voluntary teachers from Qinghai Normal?University and Qinghai University for Nationalities are sent to?five different schools, teaching Tibetan, English, Chinese and?mathmatics. Apart from making up lessons, we also want to?attract the attention of parents and the local government. Our?classes are controlled in size. 4-5 teachers are responsible?for 25-30 students in each class. Over two hundred students?benefit from our classes every session.?In 2014, three new sets?of training materials were edited, based on our past experience?and the local conditions. We also lauched detailed research?into education and domestic conditions, which provided us rich?information.