
项目时长:2015 年1 月—2015 年2 月
Project Duration:January, 2015–February, 2015
Project Site: Tongren County, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province.
合作伙伴:Yarab Association (YA)
Project Partner: Yarab Association (YA)

青海省同仁县是一个畜牧业农业并存的地区,居民生活和经济发展都受到气候和环境的制约。当地人对教育的重视程度不高,在7000 余名适龄儿童中只有一半在学校接受教育。为了改善当地落后的教育情况,我们在四个村庄开设了八个教学班,对当地部分教师及200 名学生进行了为期一个月的培训和补习,课程以英语课和汉语课为主,同时也开展藏语课和数学课。我们希望藉此提升教师的专业知识和授课水平,使更多学生因此受益。活动也得到了当地政府和学校的大力支持。

Tongren county in Qinghai Province is an area where?residents’ daily life and economic development rely on?agriculture and stock farming, which are badly affected by?extreme environment. Local Tibetan people don’t pay enough?attention to education. According to statistics, only half of the?children at school age are sent to schools. To improve the local education, we set up eight classes in 4 different villages and?trained some local teachers and 200 students for one month.?Main courses were English and Chinese, while Tibetan and mathmetics were also taught. We hope this program can improve?teachers’ professional skills, and benefit more students. Our project gained great support from local government and schools.